Lectures and media
Here you can find and download all sorts of presentations, abstracts, lecture notes, audio/video recordings and similar electronic material, that I have prepared for various lectures, talks, seminars, courses and interviews. Note that quite often there is only a title and an abstract, since I prefer to give blackboard talks.
___ 2022 ___
- 3. September 2022, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Insights into Standard Model from Quantum Gravity", given at the SEENET-MTP Workshop on Theoretical and Mathematical Physics - BWAM 2022: abstract, slides
- 22. July 2022, Lyon --- Talk titled "Coupling matter to spinfoam models using higher gauge theory", given at the Loops 22 conference: abstract, slides
- 4. July 2022, Faro --- Talk titled "Symmetry in quantum gravity via n-groups", given at the Symmetries in Quantum Physics 2022 Workshop: abstract, slides
- 4. June 2022, Belgrade --- Interview for the 20th episode of the science popularization TV show "Science in Fashion" (Nauka je u modi) produced by the national Serbian TV (RTS): video (in Serbian)
- 20. May 2022, Belgrade --- Talk titled "A review of a few results at the interplay between quantum gravity and quantum information theory", given at GPF, Faculty of Physics: abstract, slides, video (in Serbian)
- 14. May 2022, Belgrade --- Interview for the documentary TV show "Dokument", produced by the Radio Televizija Vojvodine: video (in Serbian)
- 1. May 2022, Belgrade --- Interview with Miloslav Rajkovic for the article "Hydrogen created in the early Universe" (Vodonik nastao u ranom univerzumu) and the article "Hydrogen in quantum theory" (Vodonik u kvantnoj teoriji), published by the Planeta popular science magazine, number 105: first article, second article (in Serbian)
- 24. April 2022, Belgrade --- Interview about weak interaction and the W boson, given for the "Solaris Radio Beograd 2" radio show: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 29. March 2022, Belgrade --- Guest appearance on the live TV show "We Today" (Mi danas), talking about static electricity, produced by the K1 Televizija: video (in Serbian)
- 16. February 2022, Tux (online) --- Talk titled "Coupling matter to spinfoam models using higher gauge theory", given at the 9th Tux Workshop on Quantum Gravity: abstract, slides
- 11. February 2022, Belgrade --- Interview about quantum physics, general relativity, time travel, and daily life of a scientist, given for the Ivan Kosogor podcast: video (in Serbian)
- 1. January 2022, Belgrade --- Interview with Miloslav Rajkovic for the article "Does QG hold the secret of dark energy?" (Krije li TKG tajnu tamne energije?) published by the Planeta popular science magazine, number 103: article, online article (in Serbian)
___ 2021 ___
- 23. November 2021, Belgrade --- Interview for the 15th episode of the TV documentary "Science Portal" (Naučni portal) produced by the national Serbian TV (RTS): video (in Serbian)
- 29. October 2021, València (online) --- Talk titled "The why, what and how of quantum gravity (part 2)", given for the Astrophysics and General Relativity group in València, Spain: abstract
- 21. October 2021, València (online) --- Talk titled "The why, what and how of quantum gravity (part 1)", given for the Astrophysics and General Relativity group in València, Spain: abstract
- 9. September 2021, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Quantum gravity and elementary particles from higher gauge theory", given at the SEENET-MTP Workshop Beyond the Standard Model(s) - BW2021: abstract, slides
- 29. July 2021, Belgrade --- Interview about the life and work of Steven Weinberg, given for the "I want to know" radio show (Radio Beograd 2): audio recording (in Serbian)
- 19. July 2021, Belgrade --- Guest appearance on the live chronicle TV show "Morning Programme" (Jutarnji program), talking about lightning strikes, produced by the Prva Srpska Televizija: video (in Serbian)
- 16. July 2021, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Knowledge about gravity and gravity about knowledge", given to the highschool students visiting the Institute of Physics: slides (in Serbian)
- 25. June 2021, Belgrade --- The interview about Isaac Newton, for the series "The Garden of Physics" produced at the Institute of Physics, episode 26: video (in Serbian)
- 18. June 2021, Belgrade --- Talk titled "A review of some research programs in classical and quantum gravity", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract, slides, video
- 21. May 2021, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Relation between L-infinity algebras and higher category theory", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract, slides, video
- 25. April 2021, Belgrade --- Interview about muons and the Standard Model, given for the "Solaris Radio Beograd 2" radio show: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 20. April 2021, Belgrade --- Popular science talk about locality and hidden variables in quantum physics, given at the Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca, as part of the Interpretations of Quantum Physics series of lectures: slides (in Serbian), movie clip, video (in Serbian)
___ 2020 ___
- 29. October 2020, Belgrade --- Interview about the 2020 Nobel Prize in physics and black holes, at the RadioAparat Internet radio: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 24. October 2020, Belgrade --- Guest appearance on the live chronicle TV show "Morning Programme" (Jutarnji program), talking about daylight saving time, produced by the Prva Srpska Televizija: video (in Serbian)
- 21. October 2020, Sarajevo --- Interview about the 2020 Nobel prize in physics, given for the "Radio Bosne i Hercegovine" education radio show "Map of Knowledge (Mapa znanja)": audio recording (in Serbian)
- 16. October 2020, Belgrade --- The interview about Dyson sphere, for the series "The Garden of Physics" produced at the Institute of Physics, episode 14: video (in Serbian)
- 15. October 2020, Belgrade (online) --- Invited talk titled "Cosmological constant problem in discretized quantum gravity", given at the XIX Serbian Astronomical Conference (SAC19), Department of Astronomy, Faculty of Mathematics, University of Belgrade: abstract, slides, video
- 29. September 2020, Craiova (online) --- Invited talk titled "Quantum gravity and elementary particles from higher gauge theory", given at the Workshop on Quantum Fields and Nonlinear Phenomena, University of Craiova: abstract, slides
- 17. August 2020, Belgrade --- Interview with Miloslav Rajkovic for the article "Is gravity quantum?" (Da li je gravitacija kvantna?) published by the Planeta popular science magazine, number 97: article, online article (in Serbian)
- 7. August 2020, Belgrade --- The interview about dark matter, for the series "The Garden of Physics" produced at the Institute of Physics, episode 6: video (in Serbian)
- 19. June 2020, Belgrade --- A trailer for the series of interviews "The Garden of Physics" produced at the Institute of Physics, episode zero: video (in Serbian)
- 12. March 2020, Belgrade --- Interview about the book "Et si le temps n'existait pas? (And if time didn't exist?)" by Carlo Rovelli, at the RadioAparat Internet radio: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 14. January 2020, Hong Kong --- Invited talk titled "Definite vs superposed causal orders and quantum gravity", given at the QISS HKU 2020 Workshop, Department of computer science, University of Hong Kong: abstract, slides, video
___ 2019 ___
- 20. December 2019, Belgrade --- Talk titled "The notion of modified gravity and its use in cosmology", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 6. December 2019, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Formation of black holes in scattering processes", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 6. November 2019, Belgrade --- Talk titled "3-categories, 3-groups and higher gauge theory", given at Seminar for Relativity Theory and Cosmological Models, Mathematical Institute: abstract, slides (in Serbian)
- 17. October 2019, Belgrade --- Interview about the 2019 Nobel prize in physics, at the RadioAparat Internet radio: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 19. September 2019, Belgrade --- Interview about the MPHYS10 meeting, given for the "Familiologija Radio Beograd 1" radio show: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 11. September 2019, Belgrade --- Talk titled "3-groups and higher gauge theory unification of all interactions", given at the MPHYS10 conference: abstract, slides
- 8. September 2019, Belgrade --- Interview for the TV documentary "Education mirror: bedazzled by Moon" (Obrazovno ogledalo: opčinjeni Mesecom) produced by the national Serbian TV (RTS): video (in Serbian)
- 18. August 2019, Belgrade --- Interview about time in physics, given for the "Solaris Radio Beograd 2" radio show: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 22. June 2019, Varna --- Talk titled "3-categories, 3-groups, and unification of gravity and matter", given at the XIII. International Workshop: Lie theory and its applications in physics: abstract, slides
- 23. May 2019, Belgrade --- Guest appearance at the popular science panel "Tales from the black hole" (Tribina: Priče iz crne rupe) organized by the Institute of Physics and the Science through stories (Nauka kroz priče) initiative: video (in Serbian)
- 23. May 2019, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Selected QG topics (3): dynamics in the general field theory framework", given as a part of the sequence of seminars for graduate students at Institute of Physics: abstract
- 17. April 2019, Belgrade --- Guest appearance on the live chronicle TV show "Morning Programme" (Jutarnji program), talking about black holes, produced by the national Serbian TV (RTS): video (in Serbian)
- 14. April 2019, Belgrade --- Popular science article titled "A look into the center of the M87 galaxy" (Pogled u centar galaksije M87) published by the Danas newspaper magazine: printed article and online article (in Serbian)
- 2. April 2019, Petnica --- Talk titled "Knowledge about gravity and gravity about knowledge", given at the Petnica Science Center: abstract, slides (in Serbian)
- 29. March 2019, Belgrade --- Interview for the TV documentary "Science 2019 - How physicists do research" (Nauka 2019 - Kako istražuju fizičari) produced by the national Serbian TV (RTS): video (in Serbian)
- 15. March 2019, Novi Sad --- Talk titled "Quantum gravity --- what, how and why", given at the Physics department of the University of Novi Sad: abstract, slides (in Serbian)
- 31. January 2019, Belgrade --- Interview about the book "Reality Is Not What It Seems" by Carlo Rovelli, at the RadioAparat Internet radio: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 30. January 2019, Belgrade --- Guest appearance at the panel presenting the Serbian translation of the book "Reality Is Not What It Seems" by Carlo Rovelli, at the Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca: poster, audio recording (in Serbian)
___ 2018 ___
- 26. December 2018, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Selected QG topics (2): symmetries in the general field theory framework", given as a part of the sequence of seminars for graduate students at Institute of Physics: abstract
- 13. December 2018, Belgrade --- Guest appearance at the popular science panel "Who killed the Schrodinger's cat" (Tribina: ko je ubio Šredingerovu mačku) organized by the Institute of Physics and the Science through stories (Nauka kroz priče) initiative: video (in Serbian)
- 12. December 2018, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Selected QG topics (1): kinematics of the general field theory framework", given as a part of the sequence of seminars for graduate students at Institute of Physics: abstract
- 23. November 2018, Belgrade --- Talk titled "(4): Unitarity in quantum mechanics", given as a part of the sequence of seminars "Supplementary lectures for students" at Institute of Physics: abstract
- 25. September 2018, Vienna --- Two flash-talks and a poster about causality and entanglement in quantum gravity, given at the RQI-N 2018 conference: flash-talk 1, flash-talk 2, poster
- 9. September 2018, Zlatibor --- Talk titled "Unification, higher gauge theory and 3-groups", given at the Gravity2018 workshop: abstract, slides
- 3. August 2018, Belgrade --- Talk titled "(1): An introduction to the metric tensor", given as a part of the sequence of seminars "Supplementary lectures for students" at Institute of Physics: abstract
- 7. July 2018, Belgrade --- Interview with Marija Djuric for the article "Lost image of the atom" (Izgubljen lik atoma) published by the Politika newspaper magazine: article
- 13. June 2018, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Knowledge about gravity and gravity about knowledge", given to the international highschool students visiting the Institute of Physics: slides
- 18. May 2018, Belgrade --- Guest appearance on the 60. episode of the TV show "Knowledge Studio" (Studio znanja) produced by the national Serbian TV (RTS): video (in Serbian)
- 16. May 2018, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Knowledge about gravity and gravity about knowledge", given to the highschool students visiting the Institute of Physics: slides (in Serbian)
- 4. May 2018, Belgrade --- Interview for the TV documentary "House of Science" (Kuća nauke) produced by the national Serbian TV (RTS): video (in Serbian)
- 19. March 2018, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Gravity and modern physics", given at the "Seminar on Modern Physics" course at Faculty of Physics: abstract
___ 2017 ___
- 7. November 2017, Vienna --- Talk titled "Causal ordering and quantum gravity", given at the group for Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information Theory, Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information Vienna: abstract
- 15. October 2017, Belgrade --- Interview about gravitational waves, given for the "Solaris Radio Beograd 2" radio show: audio recording (in Serbian)
- 20. September 2017, Belgrade --- Talk on the entanglement between gravity and matter fields, given at the MPHYS9 conference: slides
- 7. July 2017, Warsaw --- Talk on the categorical generalization of the spinfoam models and the spincube model, given at the Loops17 conference: slides
- 26. June 2017, Bad Honnef --- Posters and presentations on the entanglement of gravity and matter fields in Regge quantum gravity and violation of the weak equivalence principle, presented at the "Gravitational Decoherence" workshop: poster 1, poster 2, presentation 1 and presentation 2
- 22. June 2017, Vienna --- Talk on the cosmological constant problem in piecewise-flat quantum gravity, given at the ESI2017 conference: slides
- 5. April 2017, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Short introduction into the problems of quantum gravity", given at Seminar for Relativity Theory and Cosmological Models, Mathematical Institute: abstract
- 3. April 2017, Belgrade --- Talk titled "What is the purpose of quantum gravity?", given at the "Seminar on Modern Physics" course at Faculty of Physics: abstract
- 17. March 2017, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Quantum entanglement between gravity and matter", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 23. February 2017, Belgrade --- Popular science talk about gravitational waves, given at the Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca: audio recording (in Serbian), slides (in Serbian), animation 1, animation 2, animation 3, animation 4, animation 5, animation 6, animation 7
- 19. February 2017, Belgrade --- Interview about loop quantum gravity, given for the "Solaris Radio Beograd 2" radio show: audio recording (in Serbian)
___ 2016 ___
- 20. October 2016, Geneva --- Invited talk on the metaphysics of quantum gravity, given for the Beyond Spacetime series of lectures at the University of Geneva: slides and video
- 16. September 2016, Szczecin --- Talk on the solution to the cosmological constant problem, given at the VARCOSMOFUN'16 conference: slides
- 29. May 2016, Belgrade --- Popular science TV interview about general relativity and quantum gravity, recorded by the Serbian Science Television: video (in Serbian)
- 7. May 2016, Belgrade --- Popular science talk about classical and quantum gravity, given at the event "Open Doors of Faculty of Physics": slides (in Serbian)
- 25. March 2016, Belgrade --- Talk about the LIGO detection of gravitational waves, given at the Institute of Physics: slides (in Serbian), animation 1, animation 2, animation 3, animation 4, animation 5, animation 6, animation 7
- 11. March 2016, Belgrade --- Talk titled "The Wick rotation and the effective action in field theory and gravity", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 7. March 2016, Belgrade --- Talk titled "A modern review of results and open questions of classical and quantum gravity", given at the "Seminar on Modern Physics" course at Faculty of Physics: abstract
___ 2015 ___
- 11. November 2015, Nijmegen --- Talk on the connection between the spincube and CDT models of quantum gravity, given at the Radboud University: slides
- 23. October 2015, Vienna --- Poster on the entanglement of gravity and matter fields in Regge quantum gravity, presented at the EmQM15 conference: poster
- 2. October 2015, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Hamiltonian analysis of the BFCG theory for the Poincare 2-group", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 9. July 2015, Erlangen --- Talk on the relationship between the spincube and CDT models of QG, given at the Loops15 conference: slides
- 5. June 2015, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Covariant approach to quantum gravity (part three)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 29. May 2015, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Covariant approach to quantum gravity (part two)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 29. May 2015, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Unexpected connections between the spincube model and two other QG models", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 22. May 2015, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Covariant approach to quantum gravity (part one)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 18. May 2015, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Gravitation in modern physics", given at the "Seminar on Modern Physics" course at Faculty of Physics: abstract
- 25. March 2015, Lisbon --- Talk titled "Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity (part 3)", given at the TQFTclub meetings, Instituto Superior Técnico: abstract
- 18. March 2015, Lisbon --- Talk titled "Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity (part 2)", given at the TQFTclub meetings, Instituto Superior Técnico: abstract
- 4. March 2015, Lisbon --- Talk titled "Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity (part 1)", given at the TQFTclub meetings, Instituto Superior Técnico: abstract
___ 2014 ___
- 26. November 2014, Lisbon --- Talk titled "The cosmological constant problem in spincube quantum gravity", given at GFMUL, Complexo Interdisciplinar: abstract
- 22. September 2014, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Short Course on Quantum Gravity (part four)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 17. September 2014, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Short Course on Quantum Gravity (part three)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 10. September 2014, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Short Course on Quantum Gravity (part two)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 3. September 2014, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Short Course on Quantum Gravity (part one)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 26. August 2014, Belgrade --- Talk on the solution to the cosmological constant problem, given at the MPHYS8 conference: slides
- 30. May 2014, Belgrade --- Talk titled "The cosmological constant problem in the spincube model of quantum gravity", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 12. May 2014, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Gravitation in modern physics", given at the "Seminar on Modern Physics" course at Faculty of Physics: abstract
- 12. March 2014, Lisbon --- Third seminar on renormalization in QFT, given at the TQFTclub meetings, Instituto Superior Técnico: lecture
- 22. January 2014, Lisbon --- Second seminar on renormalization in QFT, given at the TQFTclub meetings, Instituto Superior Técnico: lecture
___ 2013 ___
- 18. December 2013, Lisbon --- First seminar on renormalization in QFT, given at the TQFTclub meetings, Instituto Superior Técnico: lecture
- 15. November 2013, Lisbon --- Seminar on the cosine problem and antigravity in EPRL/FK spinfoam model, given at GFM, Complexo Interdisciplinar: slides
- 20. September 2013, Divčibare --- Talk titled "Cosine problem and antigravity in EPRL/FK spinfoam model", given at the Gravity2013 workshop: slides (in Serbian)
- 21. May 2013, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Spin foam models as a method for quantization of gravity", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 1. March 2013, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Two unusual toy examples in Hamiltonian analysis", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
___ 2012 ___
- 8. December 2012, Požarevac --- Seminar on CERN, the LHC, and the Standard Model of particle physics, popularization of physics lecture for high-school students: slides (in Serbian)
- 5. September 2012, Olhão --- Talk on the Hamiltonian structure of the BFCG action, given at the QISG 2012 workshop: slides
- 12. July 2012, Tallinn --- Talk on the Poincaré 2-group and the spincube model of quantum gravity, given at the QQQ conference: slides
- 1. May 2012, Kyiv --- Invited talk on the spincube model and quantum gravity, given at the Fifth Petrov International Symposium: slides
- 14. April 2012, Leskovac --- Seminar on the Standard Model of particle physics, popularization of physics lecture for high-school students: slides (in Serbian)
- 22. February 2012, Lisbon --- Talk titled "Does time exist?", given at GFMUL, Complexo Interdisciplinar: abstract
- 7. February 2012, Lisbon --- Talk titled "Some recent results in Loop Quantum Gravity", given at GFMUL, Complexo Interdisciplinar: abstract
___ 2011 ___
- 23. September 2011, Belgrade --- Colloquium talk titled "Introduction to quantum gravity", given at the Institute of Physics: abstract
- 23. September 2011, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Poincare 2-group and new action for general relativity", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 12. September 2011, Divčibare --- Talk titled "Effective action and finiteness of the modified EPRL/FK spinfoam model", given at the Gravity2011 workshop: slides
- 24. May 2011, Madrid --- Talk on finiteness and effective action of spin foam models, given at the Loops 2011 conference: slides
- 9. May 2011, Marseille --- Talk titled "Recent research on graviton propagator in spin-foam models", given at the Quantum Gravity group, Centre de Physique Théorique de Luminy: abstract
- 27. April 2011, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity (part three of three)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 20. April 2011, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity (part two-b of three)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 15. April 2011, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity (part two-a of three)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 8. April 2011, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Introduction to Loop Quantum Gravity (part one of three)", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 22. February 2011, Lisbon --- Seminar on an introduction to general relativity, given at GFM, Complexo Interdisciplinar: lecture
___ 2010 ___
- 4. October 2010, Algarve --- Talk titled "Large-spin asymptotics of the LQG wavefunctions", given at Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve: abstract
- 28. May 2010, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Large-spin asymptotics of the ELQG wavefunctions", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 26. March 2010, Lisbon --- Second seminar on tensor calculus, given at GFM, Complexo Interdisciplinar: lecture part two
- 19. March 2010, Lisbon --- First seminar on tensor calculus, given at GFM, Complexo Interdisciplinar: lecture part one
- 5. March 2010, Lisbon --- Seminar on Schwarzschild solution of Einstein equations, given at GFM, Complexo Interdisciplinar: lecture
___ 2009 ___
___ 2008 ___
- 5. December 2008, Belgrade --- Talk titled "LQG: spin networks and spin foams - a short review", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 21. November 2008, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Interpretation of Kalb-Ramond Field in Riemann-Cartan Geometries", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 3. October 2008, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Does time exist?", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 17. July 2008, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Motion of extended objects in gravitational field with torsion", given at GPF, Faculty of Physics: abstract
___ 2007 ___
- 28. December 2007, Belgrade --- Santa Claus as a macroscopic quantum phenomenon, published in two Serbian children magazines for science, Mladi Fizičar and Politikin Zabavnik: article
- 16. November 2007, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Particle motion in spaces with curvature and torsion", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 26. June 2007, Kyiv --- Talk titled "Interaction of string with the particle in curved spacetime", given at Seventh Conference on Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics: abstract
- 22. June 2007, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Noncommutative Geometry via A. Sitarz", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
- 09. March 2007, Belgrade --- Talk titled "Interaction of String with the Particle", given at GPF, Institute of Physics: abstract
___ 2006 ___
- 13. September 2006, Belgrade --- Talk on string dynamics in curved geometries, given at the MPHYS4 conference: slides